I’m excited to share the second in the Toolbox Series: videos offering easy and effective techniques to use when you’re feeling anxious or stressed. This is called the Butterfly Hug.

This method was created by EMDR therapists who worked with children in the aftermath a natural disaster in Mexico City in 1998. It’s a great calming and grounding technique and can be done anywhere, anytime you’re feeling anxious or stressed.

The Butterfly Hug is very effective for many people, but not everyone. If you feel it’s not right for you then please stop and take some deep breaths. You can always view my first video which offers another technique that may resonate with you. We’re all unique and what works for one person may not work for another.

These are tools designed to help alleviate anxiety and calm you in the moment, but are not a replacement for therapy. If you are experiencing anxiety or panic attacks on a regular basis I highly recommend finding a therapist who can help you.

Please enjoy, share and comment with your experience. I look forward to hearing from you.



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