by Debbie Augenthaler | Jun 13, 2017 | Coping with Grief, More Writing from Debbie
My father was a Vietnam veteran who suffered from PTSD. This was many years before PTSD was recognized as a treatable mental health condition, so he struggled alone, disappearing into the darkness of his illness while family and friends helplessly watched. I grieve...
by Debbie Augenthaler | May 14, 2017 | Coping with Grief, More Writing from Debbie
A man I’ve known for many years died recently after a long illness. Although I was not close to him, two women, family members I love dearly, were. The three of them have been a family for over 35 years. Although they were not related by blood, they were related by...
by Debbie Augenthaler | Apr 14, 2017 | Coping with Grief, More Writing from Debbie
Our bodies and minds are brilliant at helping us to survive childhood trauma. This is the story of how a little girl protected her heart until she met someone who helped her learn how to trust again. Ah, if I could tell you all of it. If only I could. But I can tell...
by Debbie Augenthaler | Feb 20, 2017 | More Writing from Debbie
The skill that saved me? It started with the love of books. The anticipation each week of going to the library, knowing I’d be allowed to check out four new books. The excited thrill running through my body as I walked up and down the aisles, looking at all the...
by Debbie Augenthaler | Jan 31, 2017 | More Writing from Debbie
When I was 10 years old I opened the front door to my home and, in an instant, my whole world fell apart. In Laura Lentz’s online writing group, her prompts drawn from mythology stirred my imagination and led me to write the story of what happened in a...