After someone we love dies, we often receive meaningful signs.

Countless people have experienced this, and they find solace. Many people talk about being visited by their loved one to let them know they are okay. My grandmother always talked about my grandfather visiting her the night after he died. She told us how she woke up and he was standing at the foot of her bed to let her know he was okay. No one ever questioned this.

There are innumerable stories about visitations, either ones like my grandmother described or powerful visitation dreams. Many people who lost loved ones on 9/11 have talked or written extensively about this.

Many of my clients talk about these kinds of experiences and want to know if it’s normal. Of course it is, I tell them.

I encourage them, and you, to continue looking for signs as the months and years pass. If you’re open to receiving a sign you’ll often have one. Spirit lives on. The connected bond of love doesn’t end.

Be open to signs.

There are many ways we can continue to experience our connection. Through dreams, songs, scents, finding something special in odd places. In nature. Whenever I see a white butterfly I know it’s my Aunt reminding me of our always connection. Be open to signs and see what comes. You will know.

What are the signs you’ve received? Please share, I’d love to know.

This is an excerpt from You Are Not Alone: A Heartfelt Guide to Grief, Healing, and Hope by Debbie Augenthaler. Order your copy here.



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