I came across this article with advice to help those who are grieving from the COVID-19 pandemic, and I feel that many of these points are useful for anyone who is grieving any loss, whether it’s recent or an older loss.
My favorite point is number four: there is no right way to grieve. It’s important to remember that you may feel one way one day and completely different the next. No one can tell us how to grieve.
And in number 9, we’re reminded to increase our ‘toolbox’ of coping skills. Please check out my toolbox with simple techniques for relieving anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.
Please click below to access this helpful article from HuffPost now:
My heart goes out to everyone in this difficult time. It’s important to feel connected – we are all in this together, and together we will get through it. Love will prevail. Never lose hope.
Sending prayers, love, and light.
Remember to be kind to yourself and to others.
From my heart to yours,
Debbie Augenthaler, LMHC, NCC, is an author and psychotherapist in private practice in New York City, where she specializes in trauma, grief and loss. Her award-winning book, You Are Not Alone: A Heartfelt Guide for Grief, Healing, and Hope combines her personal story of devastating loss with practical insights and simple suggestions for healing. Join her Facebook community, Grief to Gratitude, and follow her on Instagram.